Flavors of Protein Powder

Protein powder is beneficial for our health and adding them in our daily schedule gives lots of benefits. It builds and repairs muscle tissue. Soy and whey protein powders are the most popular ones. They should be consumed either before or after workout because this is the time when it will give best results for our body.

Whey Creatine

Whey powder is the most popular and common one. Whey is easily and quickly absorbed by our body. Whey contains essential amino acids in it. Besides it also has high amount of cysteine, which is one of the amino acids and is essential for body's immune system. It is also believed that it prevents certain cancers and acts as an anti-inflammatory. It acts as an immune booster and also acts as a preventative medicine for cancer. It has other benefits such as:

Whey Creatine

--> It will give you lean muscles
--> Helps in losing body fat
--> Increases metabolic rate
--> Controls appetite
--> Gives more protein and less fat
--> Can be consumed even by people who can't normally drink milk or eat dairy

The other type of most popular powder is the soy protein powder. It is popular among vegetarians and among those who are lactose intolerant. This protein has all the amino acids that are present. It has weak estrogenic activity. Soy protein is important for building muscles and so it has become common in gyms. By selecting the right type of protein you can get desired growth for your body.

Flavors of Protein Powder
Whey Creatine

Rada Cutlery