When is the Best Time to Consume Creatine For Muscle Growth?

Over and over again we are often told to consume Creatine Monohydrated to increase our muscle gains and enhance our overall physique. If you go to your local supplement store, you are bombarded with different products that give different time windows to consume their product. Over the years, I've seen bodybuilders consume creatine before their workouts, during, and after. Since muscle growth is our goal creatine consumption at the right moment can be the difference from an effective workout to a waste of your time.

Whey Creatine

Since our goal here is to stimulate muscle mass, Creatine Monohydrate is best to consume immediately after your workout. Taking Creatine Monohydrate before your workouts is best if your goals are strength gains. What is the reason you ask? Well studies have shown that people who would consume food or whey protein after their workouts had a better consumption rate as to those who would consume before. This is because your body uses all of your stored vitamins and minerals and anything else that is stored as energy. Immediately after your workout your body is thirsty to replenish what was used up during your workout. Your muscles are depleted and tired.

Whey Creatine

Taking creatine after your workout immediately replenishes your muscles and stimulates muscle synthesis almost immediately. Your consumption rate is also very high. Your muscles will thirst for creatine and therefore will rebuild and recover a lot quicker as oppose to consuming before. Having rebuild your muscles quicker only enhance the ability for you the get back in the gym. Taking your creatine this way also ensures that you are using your creatine to optimal levels and not wasting it. Post workout is the perfect window of opportunity if muscle mass is your primary goal. I have listed a few pointers to maximize your muscle mass if you're taking creatine:

- Take 5 grams of Creatine Monohydrate with a high glycemic beverage. (ie. Gatorade)

- Take the Creatine Monohydrate within 30 minutes of your post workout.

- Consume plenty of water as this is key to filling out your muscles.

- Repeat for about 6 weeks and take 2 weeks off before cycling again.

Your next step is to apply this information and reap the benefits. Have a good workout and see you later.

When is the Best Time to Consume Creatine For Muscle Growth?
Whey Creatine

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