Universal Creatine Chews Review

It can be very annoying to always have to mix your shake before you leave for the gym. Not only do you require a blender and source of water but also it can take precious time that could be used working out in your busy day. On the other hand, you need to take your Creatine for the day, so what can you do?

Whey Creatine

This is where Universal Creatine Chews come in. When I ordered the product I was a little skeptical, I mean, what does chew mean? It it like jerky? But when I first opened the tub and tried one I was pleasantly surprised. It actually has a similar texture to Jerky but tastes very pleasant. I ordered the grape flavor and it tastes like cheap candy. The only real problem with the chews is that they have a very gritty flavor, which I presume is the powder which has been placed on.

Whey Creatine

The Creatine in the chews is good, as it has the 'Creapure' brand of approval which means that they contain safe and real creatine. Also, they are very good value, and you can get quite a lot for a cheap amount, which means that you can easily buy these as an alternative to shakes to keep in your bag if you forget your shake or capsules.

In Conclusion, I really recommend these Creatine chews. They are good quality, taste quite good and above all are really convenient. You are able to carry them wherever you want and take them whenever you need a quick top up.

Universal Creatine Chews Review
Whey Creatine

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