Muscle Building Supplements - Creatine, Protein, Glutamine

In today's over saturated market of muscle building supplements and pills, how do you know what works, what doesn't, and what you should buy? Too often, you'll see people relying solely on supplements to help them build muscle, but they neglect other aspects such as their training and nutrition. If you do not have a good muscle building program and nutrition in place to begin with, no amount of supplements in the world can help you build muscle and strength.

Whey Creatine

Muscle Building Supplement - Whey Proteins

Whey Creatine

When it comes to bodybuilding supplement, the basics of your foundation should include a creating supplement, a whey protein, and perhaps some glutamine and a multi vitamin. The most important muscle building supplement would have to be protein supplements.

Different proteins have different absorption rates, and different users. For example, whey protein has the fastest absorption rate, and should be taken immediately after a workout. On the other hand, casein protein has a much slower absorption rate, and is therefore commonly used in night time protein blends, with the purpose of providing nutrition for your body while you sleep.

Muscle Building Supplement - Creatine

Creatine is another one of the essential bodybuilding supplements that most will have used at some point. Creatine is made up of three amino acids arginine, glycine, and methionine. The main function of creatine is to help provide energy to your muscles. Creatine works by increasing the amount of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) available. ATP is the fuel for your muscle contractions. When your muscle contracts, ATP gets used up - it provides energy by release a phosphate molecule and becomes an ADP (adenosine diphosphate). Creatine helps replenish the ATP in your muscles allowing you to have more intense workouts.

There are several types of creatine supplements including the good ol' creatine monohydrate, creatine ethyl ester (CEE), kre alkalyn creatine, micronized creatine and several others. There are also creatine delivery supplements such as Muscletech cell tech, Nutrex Vitargo CGL, San V12, just to name a few of them.

Using supplements is still only a very small part of the equation to building muscle and developing strength. For a complete muscle building program, you need to have a good training program in place along with a good diet and nutrition program. 

Muscle Building Supplements - Creatine, Protein, Glutamine
Whey Creatine

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Does Creatine Really Work?

Yes! Creatine will work for most individuals. There are few, that experience no results. But for the rest of us, there are benefits to be reaped...

Whey Creatine


Whey Creatine

Creatine is an organic acid that's produced naturally by our kidneys, liver and pancreas. It helps supply our muscles and nerve cells with energy.
About 95% of creatine is found inside muscles, while the other 5% is found in the brain, heart and testes. Being 100% natural, it can be found in foods like fish, beef and other sources.


Creatine is an excellent supplement for enhancing muscle size and increasing resistance to anaerobic fatigue. Below, I cover each of those areas in more detail.

Muscle Size:
Creatine starts by volumizing (super-hydrating) your muscle cells, which in turn makes them look larger. This volumizing effect is produced by creatine entering your muscle cells, and retaining extra water along with it. Because the extra water is retained inside the cells, you will actually look more muscular, not just puffy.
A major benefit to your cells being super-hydrated, is that It promotes protein synthesis, glycogen synthesis and deters muscle breakdown.

If you don't already have a good amount of creatine stored in your muscles, you have the potential to put on easily 3-5 pounds in a one week loading phase. After that, simple maintenance will keep the weight on. The added weight will quickly convert to actual lean muscle, due to the increase in protein synthesis.

Increased Energy:
Creatine has the amazing ability to regenerate our bodies method of energy production, with extreme efficiency. It achieves this feat by donating a phosphate molecule to ADP (adenosine diphosphate), thereby restoring it to ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is the key to energy production inside the body.
The normal process of regeneration takes much longer than is achieved by this direct restoration, making creatine ideal for anyone that will be performing intense anaerobic activities.


- Studies have shown creatine ingestion increased growth hormone levels by statistically significant amounts for 2-6 hours following consumption
- Acts as lactic acid buffer, delaying muscle fatigue

Basically, anyone with a desire for more energy, strength and an increase in lean muscle mass should take creatine. Not to sound like an advertisement... I say that because it's true!

There are many people that could benefit from creatine. Anyone that's into physical fitness, and performs anaerobic activities, would benefit greatly. Also, if you would like to quickly put on a few extra pounds, creatine is for you.
There is one particular group of people that could possibly benefit from creatine the most... Vegetarians. While our bodies produce small amounts of creatine on their own, a good quantity of creatine comes from the ingestion of meats.
That also means that vegetarians are likely to see much better initial results than those that do eat meat, because they have more room for extra creatine storage.

In my opinion, the best way to take creatine is the loading method, followed by a maintenance phase. the loading method is very simple, straight forward and you will notice the benefits much faster than if you start off on a maintenance phase.

The Loading Method:
Consume a total of 20 grams of creatine each day for 5-7 days. Split the 20 grams into four doses (5 grams each) throughout the day. Mix the creatine with water, tea, or a whey protein shake. Avoid mixing with acidic juices.
I like to take it with my morning protein shake, before and after workout, and then before I go to sleep at night.
NOTE: For best results, it is important that you drink more water than you normally would, while in the loading phase. if you do not, you could become dehydrated from the creatine pulling all the water from other parts of your body into your muscles. I recommend drinking at least 72 ounces of water each day, while on the loading phase.

After the loading phase, continue on a six week or more maintenance phase.
The maintenance phase is also very simple. Consume a total of 5 grams every day, split into 2 doses. I prefer to dose post workout, and before I go to sleep each night. If you like, feel free to take 3 doses of 2 grams each. You may achieve better results for yourself that way.

While there is no research to support it, one recommendation is to start a new loading phase after a six week maintenance phase. The reason behind this cycle, is because once you have gained a decent amount of muscle mass, there is more room in your muscles for the extra creatine. By repeating the loading phase, you will once again super-hydrate your muscles and give yourself another boost in mass.

Does Creatine Really Work?
Whey Creatine

Cyber Monday Optimum Nutrition Creatine Powder, Unflavored, 600g 2011 Deals

Nov 29, 2011 19:30:59

Cyber Monday Optimum Nutrition Creatine Powder, Unflavored, 600g Deals
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Optimum Nutrition Creatine Powder, Unflavored, 600g

>> Click here to update Cyber Monday prices for Optimum Nutrition Creatine Powder, Unflavored, 600g <<

Cyber Monday Optimum Nutrition Creatine Powder, Unflavored, 600g Feature

  • Made with CreaPure Creatine
  • Increases muscle strength and power
  • Improves performance in high-intensity exercise
  • Increase energy levels and speed up recovery rates
  • Enhance energy reserves in muscles while minimizing protein breakdown

Cyber Monday Optimum Nutrition Creatine Powder, Unflavored, 600g Overview

Dietary Supplement. Each serving (one teaspoon) of Optimum Nutrition's Creatine Powder supplies 5 grams (5000 mg) of Pure Creatine Monohydrate. The patented production method used to produce this Creatine yields a tasteless, odorless powder that mixes easily into water or juice and does not readily settle to the bottom. As a result, the gritty taste or texture you may have experienced with other Creatine powders is not associated with this product. Optimum Nutrition's Creatine Powder is produced and packaged in our own state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in accordance with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs).

Cyber Monday Optimum Nutrition Creatine Powder, Unflavored, 600g Specifications


Optimum Nutrition CREATINE POWDER

Nutrition Information
Micronized Creatine Powder
At a Glance:
bulletMade With Creapure Creatine Monohydrate
bulletNo fillers or additives
bulletMilligrams of creatine: 5,000
One serving of Optimum Nutrition Creatine provides a full 5 grams (5,000 milligrams) of 99.9 percent pure Creapure brand creatine monohydrate. The production method used to produce this creatine yields a tasteless, odorless powder that mixes easily into water or juice and does not readily settle to the bottom. As a result, the gritty taste or texture you may have experienced with other creatine powders is not associated with this product.

Quality Counts: GMP Certified Products
Optimum Nutrition's commitment to quality is evident throughout the entire product development process. As a continued measure of quality, all vendors must provide a Certificate of Analysis for each raw material supplied. The certified analyses are also verified through random in-house and independent laboratory testing. To further diminish any chance of physical, chemical, and microbiological contaminants, ON has established and implemented a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) program. Quality assurance professionals make routine checks on all storage, blending, and production areas and conduct daily inspections.

NSF International LogoON is proud that NSF International, The Public Health and Safety Company, has certified the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Registration of its in-house manufacturing operation. Together, these practices and procedures allow ON to consistently deliver first-rate sports nutrition supplements under the strictest quality control standards.

Optimum Nutrition: True StrengthAbout Optimum Nutrition: True Strength
Since 1986, Optimum Nutrition has been supporting the nutrition goals of elite athletes and goal-driven individuals around the world. Building on a foundation of company owned and operated production facilities, unparalleled manufacturing expertise, and uncompromising quality standards, ON continually strives to bring athletes and active individuals sports nutrition solutions designed to make a real difference in performance. Whether your goals involve strength, speed, power, endurance - or any combination - ON supplements work as hard as you do. Realize your True Strength with the quality and innovation leader.

What's in the Box
Optimum Nutrition Creatine Powder, 600 grams.

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This Cyber Monday Optimum Nutrition Creatine Powder, Unflavored, 600g ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Optimum Nutrition Creatine Powder, Unflavored, 600g

Limited Offer Today!! Optimum Nutrition Creatine Powder, Unflavored, 600g Cyber Monday and Black Friday 2011 Deals

Electric Frying Pan High Definition Tv S 5.1 Channel Speaker

The Good, Bad And Ugly Of Ergogenic Aids

From young to old, from beginner to elite, and no matter what the sport, there's little doubt that sports supplementation is one of the hottest topics of conversation among sportsmen and women. It's not just the prospect of maximising athletic performance by simply swallowing a few pills or sports drinks that's so tantalisingly attractive; there's also the nagging fear that if you don't indulge, you might be left trailing in your competitor's wake as he or she takes full advantage of the huge range of products that now adorn the shelves of retailers. But what are the real benefits of using ergogenic aids, are there any drawbacks and where on earth should you start?

Whey Creatine

Supplementation - a thinking athlete's guide to planning a program

Whey Creatine

Most athletes at some stage in their careers use one or more dietary supplements - after all, when you invest a great deal of time, effort and money in training to improve performance, the extra investment in a supplement program seems relatively small. However, the financial cost is perhaps the least important of the issues that needs to be considered before using supplements. Athletes need to think hard and exercise caution in order to reap potential benefits without the drawbacks. There are a number of fundamental questions relating to sports supplement use, including reasons for supplement use and where to begin. Others factors which need consideration include; the pros and cons of supplementation; the role of multi-nutrient supplements; the value of two of the most ergogenic supplements; the possible benefits of antioxidant nutrients.

'Tuning up' performance - music and video as ergogenic aids

Although you might think otherwise, not all ergogenic aids come from bottles or tubs! According to some sports psychologists, the right sounds and images at the right time are not only uplifting for the spirit, they also help you train and perform better, and can therefore also be thought of as ergogenic aids. In particular, new research suggests that listening to carefully selected music and watching personal motivational videos can be especially valuable for athletes seeking to boost performances both in training and competition Andy Lane. a sports psychologist who has carried out some research in the area of these new techniques, and explains how they can be assessed and suggests ways in which they can be incorporated into training. Some of his findings have include the following: music can be used to enhance emotions and emotions have a powerful ergogenic effect on performance and an athlete's response to music is highly individualised but can be assessed using the 'music mood regulation' scale. It has also been said that music can be as an ergogenic aid, but what is this music/mood regulation scale, how can you determine what types of music are most likely to enhance performance and what are the techniques required for putting together your own music and video sequence?

Research Round-up The latest research on ergogenic aids, with new studies different ergogenic aids have included:

Creatine serum and running

In recent years, other more exotic and expensive forms of creatine have appeared, which claim to offer performance benefits over standard creatine. One of these is 'creatine serum', a liquid form of creatine that is claimed to offer a number of other advantages over powdered creatine. Californian researchers examined the effects of ingesting creatine serum on cross-country runners; their findings noted that runners taking the serum had significantly lower perceived rates of exertion and better endurance. However, there was no noticeable improvement in the 5000m run times of those taking the serum, which lead them to conclude that their findings did not support creatine serum as an ergogenic aid.

Phosphatidylserine as a future ergogenic aid for endurance athletes?

Phosphatidylserine is a naturally occurring lipid, which is located on the inner surface of cell membranes in most tissues of animals and plants, but according to new research by a team of Welsh scientists, it could also have the potential to enhance endurance capacity when taken as a supplement. The research team took two groups of male endurance cyslists and asked one to supplement with phosphatidylserine for 10 dyas and the other to take a placebo. After a series of tests and comparison they noticed a huge increase in time to exhaustion during the V02 max test, up to two minutes, which although is evidence of phosphatidylserine as an erogoenic supplement, this is the first test to have come to this conclusion so more research will need to be carried out for a conclusive result.

The Good, Bad And Ugly Of Ergogenic Aids
Whey Creatine

Cyber Monday Life Extension Creatine Whey Glutamine Powder, Vanilla, 2.35-Pounds 2011 Deals

Nov 28, 2011 22:17:28

Cyber Monday Life Extension Creatine Whey Glutamine Powder, Vanilla, 2.35-Pounds Deals
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Life Extension Creatine Whey Glutamine Powder, Vanilla, 2.35-Pounds

>> Click here to update Cyber Monday prices for Life Extension Creatine Whey Glutamine Powder, Vanilla, 2.35-Pounds <<

Cyber Monday Life Extension Creatine Whey Glutamine Powder, Vanilla, 2.35-Pounds Feature

  • Creatine Whey Glutamine Powder
  • Improve strength and exercise performance
  • Vanilla Flavor

Cyber Monday Life Extension Creatine Whey Glutamine Powder, Vanilla, 2.35-Pounds Overview

Long used by athletes to improve strength and exercise performance, creatine is being recognized as more than a muscle-building supplement. Creatine is present in the body.

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This Cyber Monday Life Extension Creatine Whey Glutamine Powder, Vanilla, 2.35-Pounds ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Life Extension Creatine Whey Glutamine Powder, Vanilla, 2.35-Pounds

Limited Offer Today!! Life Extension Creatine Whey Glutamine Powder, Vanilla, 2.35-Pounds Cyber Monday and Black Friday 2011 Deals

Sander Orbital Skateboard

Bodybuilding Supplements and Digestive Enzymes

Bodybuilding is necessary for the heavyweight lifters and body builders. So mostly they are the buyers of Bodybuilding supplements. Other than them, the people who want to low down their body fats are also the users of the Body Building Supplements. These not only helps in building our body but also aid in improving the performance of the body. There are two types of Body building Supplements- the exercise supplements and the dietary supplements. Dietary Supplements contain amino acids and other nutrients those are required to build a body. Exercise Supplements are those that help to increase the nutrient level of the body. Now a days the players commonly used creatine as bodybuilding Supplements since this product provides them instantaneous strength and saturate their muscles in such a way that they can perform in a higher level without getting weak.

Whey Creatine

Digestive Enzymes present in Bodybuilding Supplements

Whey Creatine

Body Building Supplements mostly include egg, meat, milk and milk products and soy proteins. The supplements when taken regularly help in bodybuilding by promoting tissue growth. After the vigorous activities of exercises intake is very important. Enzymes are one of the main components that are present in the bodybuilding supplements. In order to digest and absorb food Enzymes play the prime role. The digestive Enzymes secreted in our alimentary canal break down carbohydrates and lipids of the food. The enzymes can be secreted from the digestive glands as well as from the hormones. The digestive glands of our body are pancreas, liver and small and large intestine.

Proper Dose of Bodybuilding Supplements

Before using the Body Building supplements doctors should be consulted for necessary advice since these might not suit all individual's body type. In cases of malnutrition ions and whenever there is problem with absorption of digested foods, the body building supplements are often used. They are present in all the food products, especially in fruits and vegetables. When food is prepared at very high and low temperatures the bodybuilding supplements present in the food material are destroyed. So it should be kept in mind before cooking food that the food should be cooked in such a manner that the vitamins and mineral content of the food retained its original value. The other things to be noticed are the intake of them in proper quantity as per the instruction of the doctor and trainer. Researches are going on to make body building supplements which are best for future use.

Bodybuilding Supplements and Digestive Enzymes
Whey Creatine

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Do Bodybuilding Supplements Really Work - Yes, They Do!

Bodybuilding enthusiasts and athletes have been using bodybuilding supplements since time immemorial.

Whey Creatine

Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you can use bodybuilding supplements so long as you know what you're using and your objective behind using that supplement. All bodybuilders take protein supplements, creatine being a huge favorite and with good reason.

Whey Creatine

Creatine is a naturally occurring compound that supplies energy to our muscles. Bodybuilders supplement their creatine intake by consuming creatine monohydrate which is the best source of creatine compared to anything else in terms of purity and per-weight-of-material. Benefits of creatine include dramatic improvement in lean muscle mass in as little as two weeks; improvement in recovery rates with respect to muscle fatigue, and better performance in high intensity exercises. Creatine gives you bigger and better muscles.

Another popular supplement that delivers awesome benefits to bodybuilders is glutamine. L-Glutamine is an amino acid that is found in abundance in the muscle tissue. It can be safely consumed all year round. It plays a key role in cell voluminizing, anti catabolizing, and overall muscle maintenance. Glutamine helps in the process of generating Human Growth Hormone, which is necessary for muscle growth and metabolizing body fat. However its primary aim is that of promoting a positive nitrogen balance and muscle maintenance. Moreover, it is also required by the immune system to prevent sickness.

Proteins are amongst the most popular bodybuilding supplements available; this is because protein is the most elementary building block of our muscles. Ideally, we need 1-2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. Protein supplements are either low-carb or weight gainers.

Whey protein is easy to digest and is a popular post-workout supplement. Casein is recommended as a bed-time supplement as it can take anywhere between 2-7 hours to digest. Egg protein is the cheapest and most easily available form of protein. Vegetarians have soy to turn to. There are protein supplements available in the market that are a combination of soy-egg-casein-whey protein. These proteins are a handy for an anytime intake and they offer a staggered rate of protein absorption.

Pro-hormones or natural testosterone boosters are important for gaining lean muscle mass improving muscular strength and muscle size. 4-androstenediol or 4-AD is an anabolic prohormone booster. It is converted into testosterone in the liver. It is a pre-training supplement that helps weightlifters and bodybuilders to exert themselves to the maximum. Pro-hormones help bodybuilders by increasing the oxygen supply to the muscles, quickening muscle recovery, and reducing muscle loss.

Nitric oxide helps to increase the blood flow to muscles and is therefore of importance to bodybuilders who use it to deliver a greater amount of nutrients to their muscles, especially when the muscles are stressed.

Growth Hormones aid in tissue growth, tissue repair, fat loss, muscle gain, and boosting energy levels. They are also known anti-ageing agents. In short, growth hormones are crucial for bodybuilders. What adds to their importance as a bodybuilding supplement is the fact that the body's capacity to produce them naturally decreases after the age of 30.

Do Bodybuilding Supplements Really Work - Yes, They Do!
Whey Creatine

Black Friday Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard Natural Whey, Natural Vanilla, 2 Pound 2011 Deals

Nov 26, 2011 21:08:41

Black Friday Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard Natural Whey, Natural Vanilla, 2 Pound Deals
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Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard Natural Whey, Natural Vanilla, 2 Pound

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard Natural Whey, Natural Vanilla, 2 Pound <<

Black Friday Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard Natural Whey, Natural Vanilla, 2 Pound Feature

  • No artificial flavors or sweeteners.
  • Whey Protein Isolates are the primary protein source
  • Fast-acting Hydrowhey Whey Peptides

Black Friday Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard Natural Whey, Natural Vanilla, 2 Pound Overview

Whey protein Isolates are 90% pure protein by weight. They are the purest and most expensive form of whey protein that exists. That’s why they are the first ingredients you read on the Gold Standard Natural 100% Whey label. By using Whey Protein Isolates as our primary protein source, we’re able to pack 24 grams of the purest, muscle-building protein per serving, with a lot less of the fat, cholesterol, lactose, and other stuff that you can do without. What’s more, Gold Standard Natural 100% Whey contains no artificial flavors or sweeteners. There’s no question this is the standard by which other whey proteins are measured.

Black Friday Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard Natural Whey, Natural Vanilla, 2 Pound Specifications

Optimum Nutrition LogoGOLD STANDARD NATURAL 100% WHEY, Natural Vanilla

Optimum Nutrition GOLD STANDARD NATURAL 100% WHEY, Natural Vanilla

Nutrition Information
Gold Standard Natural
100% Whey
At a Glance:
bulletNatural version of the world's best-selling whey protein
bulletNo artificial flavors or sweeteners
bulletHigher pure protein percentage
bulletFast-acting Hydrowhey peptides
bulletProvides whey protein microfractions
bulletOver 4 grams of glutamine and precursors
bulletInstantized to mix with a spoon
bulletGrams of BCAAs: 5.5
bulletMilligrams of enzyme blend: 25
By using whey protein isolates as the primary protein source in Gold Standard Natural 100% Whey, Optimum Nutrition is able to pack 24 grams of the purest muscle-building protein per serving, and a lot less of the fat, cholesterol, lactose, and other stuff that you can do without. Gold Standard Natural 100% Whey is also free of artificial flavors and sweeteners. There's no question that this is the standard by which other whey proteins are measured.

Quality Counts: GMP Certified Products
Optimum Nutrition's commitment to quality is evident throughout the entire product development process. As a continued measure of quality, all vendors must provide a Certificate of Analysis for each raw material supplied. The certified analyses are also verified through random in-house and independent laboratory testing. To further diminish any chance of physical, chemical, and microbiological contaminants, ON has established and implemented a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) program. Quality assurance professionals make routine checks on all storage, blending, and production areas and conduct daily inspections.

NSF International LogoON is proud that NSF International, The Public Health and Safety Company, has certified the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Registration of its in-house manufacturing operation. Together, these practices and procedures allow ON to consistently deliver first-rate sports nutrition supplements under the strictest quality control standards.

Optimum Nutrition: True StrengthAbout Optimum Nutrition: True Strength
Since 1986, Optimum Nutrition has been supporting the nutrition goals of elite athletes and goal-driven individuals around the world. Building on a foundation of company owned and operated production facilities, unparalleled manufacturing expertise, and uncompromising quality standards, ON continually strives to bring athletes and active individuals sports nutrition solutions designed to make a real difference in performance. Whether your goals involve strength, speed, power, endurance - or any combination - ON supplements work as hard as you do. Realize your True Strength with the quality and innovation leader.

What's in the Box
Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Natural 100% Whey, Natural Vanilla, 2 pounds (pack of two).

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This Black Friday Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard Natural Whey, Natural Vanilla, 2 Pound ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard Natural Whey, Natural Vanilla, 2 Pound

Limited Offer Today!! Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard Natural Whey, Natural Vanilla, 2 Pound Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Impact Nailer Kit

Post Workout Out Nutrition - Take Your Carbs, Amino Acids and Proteins!

With so many conflicting opinions on the correct pre and post workout nutritional protocols to follow - it can be a minefield in trying to decide which to follow.

Whey Creatine

Do you consume a carbohydrate drink like Gatorade only? Or do you consume a whey protein and carbohydrate mix? Or do you take some peptide and amino acid tablets? Decisions, Decisions!

Whey Creatine

Well let us help you. Research performed by leading scientists suggest that consuming a mixture of whey protein, amino acids and carbohydrates immediately after your workout can substantially increase Net Protein Synthesis. What is this I hear you ask? It is the rate at which protein can be taken in to the body and thus muscles. The greater the figure, the more protein and amino acids the body will assimilate.

So what did the study do? Well they took 8 trained individuals and tried two post-workout nutritional protocols.

a) In the first one they ingested 77.4 g carbohydrates, 17.5 g whey protein, and 4.9 g amino acids 1 hr after resistance exercise.

b) In the other, 100 g carbohydrates was ingested

Results? The obtained readings and biopsy results from specific muscle tissue which clearly indicated that the mixture of protein,carbohydrates and amino acids allowed for an increased rate of protein synthesis.

However, it may be worthwhile pointing out that PRE workout nutrition is also a very important area. After all, it is what the body has been primed with that is key. So if your muscles are full of glycogen [carbohydrates] and you have energy readily available in the body [by consuming some carbohydrates up to 45 mins before the workout] you will see yourself in good stead to power through those workouts

So remember - make sure you take all three in your post workout nutritional protocol

Post Workout Out Nutrition - Take Your Carbs, Amino Acids and Proteins!
Whey Creatine

Black Friday BSN Syntha-6 Protein Powder, Chocolate Milkshake, 5.04 Pound 2011 Deals

Nov 25, 2011 23:48:24

Black Friday BSN Syntha-6 Protein Powder, Chocolate Milkshake, 5.04 Pound Deals
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BSN Syntha-6 Protein Powder, Chocolate Milkshake, 5.04 Pound

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for BSN Syntha-6 Protein Powder, Chocolate Milkshake, 5.04 Pound <<

Black Friday BSN Syntha-6 Protein Powder, Chocolate Milkshake, 5.04 Pound Feature

  • 6 Unique protein sources - A blend of fast, medium and slow digesting proteins
  • Contains no soy protein
  • 5 Grams of fiber per serving
  • Produces rich, creamy milkshake taste and texture
  • Promotes muscle protein synthesis and recovery

Black Friday BSN Syntha-6 Protein Powder, Chocolate Milkshake, 5.04 Pound Overview

SYNTHA-6 is an ultra-premium lean muscle protein powder, and the best-tasting protein supplement on the market. Its formula features multiple quality proteins, each of which provides a unique and complementary profile of amino acids and absorption rates, resulting in a nutritious and multi-functional protein supplement that ensures an athlete’s muscles a quality supply of protein building blocks. As any athlete knows, high-quality protein is essential for building and maintaining lean muscle mass. And with SYNTHA-6, that high standard of quality comes with taste to match. BSN’s exclusive flavor technology results in some of the most mouthwatering shakes imaginable, making protein supplementation with SYNTHA-6 an absolute treat. Additionally, the inclusion of fiber and healthy fats makes SYNTHA-6 perfect to use as a healthy meal replacement as part of a balanced weight management plan. Its variable digestion rates, ultra-premium protein and easy adaptability make SYNTHA-6 the perfect complement to a variety of diet and exercise regimens. Nutritious and delicious, SYNTHA-6 is the superior choice among protein supplements.

SAVE NOW on Black Friday offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Black Friday BSN Syntha-6 Protein Powder, Chocolate Milkshake, 5.04 Pound ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

BSN Syntha-6 Protein Powder, Chocolate Milkshake, 5.04 Pound

Limited Offer Today!! BSN Syntha-6 Protein Powder, Chocolate Milkshake, 5.04 Pound Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Bits Tools Vitamins B

Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrobuilder, Chocolate Shake, 4.59 Pound Jar

Black Friday Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrobuilder, Chocolate Shake, 4.59 Pound Jar 2011 Deals

Nov 25, 2011 02:17:27

Black Friday Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrobuilder, Chocolate Shake, 4.59 Pound Jar Deals
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Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrobuilder, Chocolate Shake, 4.59 Pound Jar

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrobuilder, Chocolate Shake, 4.59 Pound Jar <<

Black Friday Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrobuilder, Chocolate Shake, 4.59 Pound Jar Feature

  • Creapep enhanced staged protein blend
  • Betapower natural betaine
  • Micronized creapure creatine

Black Friday Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrobuilder, Chocolate Shake, 4.59 Pound Jar Overview

What gets done in the weight room doesn't build lean mass. It's the completeness of your routine that counts. Start recovering and rebuilding strength, power and size with ON's advanced all-in-one muscle builder. Platinum Hydrobuilder is built on a foundation of staged-delivery proteins-from fast hydrolyzed whey Protein Isolates and hydrolyzed egg albumen to slower micellar casein. It's enhanced with creapep nutrient delivery peptides, betapower natural betaine and micronized creapure creatine. There's over 13.5 grams of essential amino acids, but only 180 calories per serving. For the ultimate comprehensive muscle constructor, build with the best. Platinum hydrobuilder by ON.

SAVE NOW on Black Friday offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Black Friday Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrobuilder, Chocolate Shake, 4.59 Pound Jar ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrobuilder, Chocolate Shake, 4.59 Pound Jar

Limited Offer Today!! Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrobuilder, Chocolate Shake, 4.59 Pound Jar Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Blade Saw

Creatine Stack - Tips on Using Creatine Stacks

One of the best ways to build muscle mass is to use Creatine stacks. They are designed for quick absorption, and are used by a large number of supplement users. Most of them consider these stacks to be quite superior to Creatine Monohydrate, the first supplement of this kind released in the market.

Whey Creatine

However, before using Creatine you need to consult your physician, especially if you are a first time user. You can also consult a nutritionist or a weight trainer. The former can tell you which Creatine stack should be used and in what quantity. The latter can help you work out a physical regimen to make best use of it.

Whey Creatine

Creatine stacks can be bought off the shelves. But some users prefer to make their own as the branded ones are expensive. They use ingredients like Whey Protein, Arginine, Glutamine, Fish Oil and Multivitamins to make stacks. You too can do so but you need to take the help of a bodybuilder or weightlifter who has been making these mixtures. This way you will make sure that you get the proportions right.

In fact, weightlifters and bodybuilders are the two largest users. Both of them need to build strong and lean muscles that can release large amounts of energy over short periods of time. That is why Creatine stacks suit them perfectly. The supplement is stored in their muscle cells as energy releasing chemicals. In contrast, sportsmen who take part in endurance sports don't find them so useful. They need their muscles to support physical activity over long periods of time.

Creatine Stack - Tips on Using Creatine Stacks
Whey Creatine

Black Friday Creatine Monohydrate-100% Pure Powder, 2.2lbs 2011 Deals

Nov 24, 2011 04:39:15

Black Friday Creatine Monohydrate-100% Pure Powder, 2.2lbs Deals
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Creatine Monohydrate-100% Pure Powder, 2.2lbs

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Creatine Monohydrate-100% Pure Powder, 2.2lbs <<

Black Friday Creatine Monohydrate-100% Pure Powder, 2.2lbs Feature

  • Recommend: As a dietary supplement, mix 1 heaping teaspoon in fruit juice or other sweetened liquid 4 to 6 times daily, before and after exercise, for the first 7 days. Thereafter, for maintenance use, consume 1 to 3 times daily. Allow 3 to 4 hours between doses.
  • Does Not Contain: yeast, wheat, corn, soy, milk, additives, preservatives.
  • Disclaimer: This website is for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site. These statements made in this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products offered are not intended to diagnose, treat
  • Serving Size: 1 tsp.

Black Friday Creatine Monohydrate-100% Pure Powder, 2.2lbs Overview

"Sports Supplement: Creatine is a naturally occurring compound in muscle tissue and functions as an energy reservoir to maintain optimal levels of ATP production during intense exercise. Creatine may be especially useful for those doing short-term, intense (anaerobic) exercise, such as weight lifting, football, basketball, swimming, skiing, and cycling "

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Creatine Monohydrate-100% Pure Powder, 2.2lbs

Limited Offer Today!! Creatine Monohydrate-100% Pure Powder, 2.2lbs Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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